solar electric fence energiser is a device that uses solar energy as a power
source for the fencing that is being used. It collects the sun’s energy, using
it as a reliable power source for various fencing systems. The solar powered
electric farm fencing is capable of handling any size of farm, ranging from three
to one hundred acres, depending on the size of the farm. The solar electric
fence energiser comes in a number of different voltage ratings, ensuring that you
get the right choice for the size of your farm.
are some of the most important uses of the solar electric fence energiser NSW.
Keeping livestock inside the desired area
component of farm fencing
equipment helps to keep the livestock within the
desired area. It provides the energy for the pulse shock that travels through
the entire length of the fence. The electric shock will keep the livestock from
trying to pass through the fence to any other area. Furthermore, this makes the
fencing equipment usable in partitioning a farm into paddocks for high density
livestock farming.
Reliable and always available power supply
solar electric fence energiser provides a reliable and always available energy
supply to the electric farm fence that is being used. Many farmers have found
this to be quite useful as it ensures that their livestock are never without
protection even when the energy supply from main electricity becomes
unavailable. The unit ensures that when the sun is up energy is stored for later
use. Furthermore, a common misconception is that solar energy supply only works
when the sun is on the sky. The truth is that energy from the sun is harvested
from the radiation part of solar rays, which means that the sun does not need
to be always up for the energy supply to work.
Benefits of using solar electric fence energiser
use of solar energy to power the electric fencing equipment in use means that
the costs for fencing will go down quite substantially. This is because the
setup eliminates the cost of battery replacement and charges for mains power
use of solar power for powering farm fencing equipment means that you can use electric
farm fencing regardless of where the
farm is located. This is quite convenient for anyone who has a farm located in
a remote area where mains electricity may be unavailable.